Toothache Relief is Just a Visit Away

Find out what could be causing your dental pain and the best ways to treat it.

A toothache can be terribly annoying and it can be a challenge to know when to seek medical attention from your Tampa, FL dentist Dr. Toan Tran. Find out what could be to blame for your tooth pain and the most common symptoms that might warrant coming into our office.

Causes of a Toothache

The most common causes of pain in or around a tooth include:

  • Decay
  • A fracture
  • An abscess
  • Infected gums or tooth
  • Damaged filling

Toothache Symptoms

While the symptoms of a toothache may seem obvious here are some of the issues you may be experiencing:

  • Throbbing, sharp or persistent pain
  • Pain that may only appear when applying pressure to the tooth (e.g. chewing)
  • Swelling of the gums surrounding the tooth
  • Drainage or an abscess around the infected tooth
  • Fever

So, when is it time to see your general dentist in Tampa, FL for care?

It’s important not to ignore issues with your smile. If you are dealing with any of these problems then you need to come into our office right away:

  • A toothache that persists for at least one to two days
  • Severe pain
  • Fever combined with a toothache

By coming into our office, we can detect any possible infections, which we can treat immediately and prevent from advancing or becoming a larger issue. Dental infections are not to be ignored.

Toothache Treatments

How we treat your dental pain will depend entirely on the cause. If a cavity is causing your toothache, then we will need to remove the decayed parts and then fill the cavity. If an infection or decay has reached the inside of the tooth (or dental pulp) then a root canal will be necessary. If the infection is so bad that it has caused a fever or swelling around the jaw then you may also need antibiotics.

A toothache is considered a dental emergency. If you are experiencing any problems with your smile then it’s time you called your dentist in Tampa. Let Mangrove Bay Dentistry give you the dental care you deserve.