Invisalign Teen® — America’s #1 Choice for Teens

Invisalign Teen

Invisalign Teen at Pediatric Dentistry of Brandon

At Pediatric Dentistry of Brandon, FL, we are proud to offer Invisalign orthodontic treatment in the comfort of our own office. Here, teens will receive orthodontic treatment from Dr. Jorge Torres, a pediatric dentist who has a large teenage patient base and is the father of teens himself. Dr. Torres believes in the value of Invisalign as an orthodontic system and has created beautiful, healthy smiles for many teenagers using Invisalign.

The fact is that Invisalign is the most popular way to align teeth in the US today. Tooth alignment is accomplished without having to deal with metal wires and brackets. Smooth, nearly clear aligning trays gently apply pressure to the teeth, moving them over a period of months into desired alignment.

Invisalign TeenInvisalign Teen can be used for a range of orthodontic problems and is appropriate for the majority of adolescents after their permanent teeth come in. Dr. Torres has extensive training and experience in orthodontics, which enables him to combine treatment modalities and successfully treat teens in cases where more than Invisalign aligners are needed for best alignment.

Why Teens and Their Parents Like Invisalign Teen®

  • Invisalign aligners are totally smooth. There are no rough or sharp pieces to irritate the inside of the mouth. Teens have no added difficulty playing sports or playing a musical instrument.
  • Invisalign aligners are nearly invisible. Even when smiling and laughing teens feel more socially at ease
  • The aligners pop in and out of the mouth so teens can eat and drink like normal, and also clean their mouths more easily and thoroughly. Oral hygiene is so much easier that treatment can be completed without worrying about the development of cavities or gum disease, just as long as good flossing and brushing continue.
  • Cementing and removing brackets and inserting and removing wires can sometimes cause initial discomfort that is not observed with inserting and removing Invisalign’s aligners.
  • The gentle, continuous pressure of the aligners moves teeth at a steady pace and does not take longer to complete treatment.

Additional Reasons Why Invisalign Teen® is an Optimal Choice

  • Invisalign Teen is similar in cost to wire and bracket braces. And, with Invisalign Teen, if your child loses an aligner, it will be replaced up to six times without additional cost.
  • Invisalign Teen has blue compliance indicators on each aligner, so you know your teen is wearing them as often as they should.
  • Invisalign requires fewer orthodontic visits, and there are no emergency runs back to the office to have poking wires fixed or irritations examined and treated.
  • Because teens are more physically comfortable and confident about their appearance, they are better able to focus on the things they want in life… things like academic achievements, playing in the school band, participating on a sports team, their first job, or attending social events.

Predictable comfort and results…that’s what Invisalign Teen is all about.

For a textbook definition on Invisalign, read this article.