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Porcelain Veneers

Porcelain veneers attach directly to the front of your teeth, and they can dramatically transform your smile. Dr. Stephen K. Malone will work carefully to make sure that your veneers look virtually identical to your natural dental enamel. Veneers can cover up several types of cosmetic flaws. In some cases, they can even reshape your teeth. The application process is virtually pain-free and usually takes place in just two office visits. To learn more about porcelain veneers and to find out how they can enhance your smile, schedule a consultation today.

What Are Porcelain Veneers?

Porcelain veneers are made to match the shape and shade of your natural teeth. You could receive a single veneer on one tooth, or you could enhance your full smile. If you choose porcelain veneers, Dr. Malone will first trim or buff away a very small amount of dental enamel. Thanks to recent technology and innovations, he has adopted a very conservative approach. He will always preserve as much of your tooth structure as possible.

After reshaping your teeth, Dr. Malone will take impressions. Ceramists at our onsite dental lab will use these impressions to create incredibly thin veneers that will blend beautifully with your smile. When your veneers are finished, you will come in for your second appointment. At this time, Dr. Malone will make sure the veneers fit correctly and look natural. Then he will use dental cement to fix the porcelain to your teeth.

Candidates for Porcelain Veneers

If you struggle with any of the following aesthetic concerns, you may be a good candidate for veneers:

  • Severe discoloration that is immune to traditional whitening
  • Teeth with worn or eroded edges
  • Small cracks or chips in your teeth
  • Gaps between your teeth
  • Slightly crooked or misaligned teeth
  • Proportionately small or irregularly shaped teeth

As stated above, Dr. Malone will need to remove some dental enamel before placing veneers. Therefore, if you have suffered dental erosion, you may not qualify for this treatment. Dr. Malone will examine your teeth and discuss your aesthetic goals. In this way, he can determine your candidacy for veneers.

The Advantages of Porcelain Veneers

Although Dr. Malone offers numerous cosmetic dental treatments, there are a number of reasons to consider porcelain veneers. First, and perhaps most significantly, they are beautiful and lifelike. Veneers can thoroughly enhance your smile, correcting various concerns with one easy treatment. With your gorgeous grin, you may find that your self-confidence increases, as well. Additionally, veneers application is safe and involves minimal discomfort. Your teeth will be numb during the preparatory process. Therefore, you will typically feel little more than a mild sense of pressure. Finally, to maintain your veneers, you will simply need to brush, floss, and make regular dental visits. With proper care, your veneers could last a decade or longer.

Schedule a Porcelain Veneers Consultation

Find out if veneers are the optimal way to transform your smile. Schedule a porcelain veneers appointment with Dr. Malone today. He proudly provides outstanding cosmetic dentistry to patients from Powell, Karns, Farragut, Seymour, Maryville, Oak Ridge and the surrounding communities.

For a textbook definition on porcelain veneers, read this article.