Root Canal Therapy

The center of your tooth is filled with a soft pulp. Nerves and blood vessels extend from this pulp into the roots of your tooth. If the tooth becomes infected or is traumatized, treatment of the interior of the tooth and roots may be necessary to relieve you of pain and save the tooth. This treatment is called “root canal therapy” or “endodontic treatment.” Dr. Scott Lampert has extensive training and expertise in root canal therapy and performs this treatment for his patients here in our office. Using gentle techniques, special dental tools, and a powerful local anesthetic, he will provide painless treatment and relieve you of the dental nerve pain you are experiencing.

Symptoms of Dental Infection or Tooth Trauma

A toothache is one of the most common symptoms of dental infection. Pain may be chronic or intermittent. Often, it will worsen in response to pressure or temperature changes. However, not every toothache requires endodontic treatment. An examination of your mouth and x-rays will help Dr. Lampert make a proper diagnosis.

If you have a dental infection or tooth trauma that would benefit from root canal treatment, you may experience one or more of the following symptoms:

  • Pain in a tooth (chronic or intermittent)
  • Gum abscesses
  • Gum inflammation, particularly in an isolated area
  • Swollen lymph nodes
  • Chronic bad breath
  • A large crack
  • Dark intrinsic discoloration of a tooth
  • A puss filled pocket at the gumline that may or may not ooze fluid

Sometimes a dental infection exhibits no symptoms but it still needs to be found early in order to prevent the development of a dangerous infection and loss of the tooth. For this reason, among others, it is important to schedule routine checkups. Through regular visits and periodic x-rays, Dr. Lampert can monitor your oral health.

In some cases, a tooth is so weakened by infection or trauma that root canal treatment and restoration with a crown are not possible. If the tooth cannot be saved and extraction is necessary, Dr. Lampert can replace the missing tooth with a traditional dental bridge or implant supported prosthetic tooth.

The Root Canal Procedure

Before performing a root canal, Dr. Lampert will numb your tooth and place a rubber dam to isolate the tooth from the rest of your mouth. He will create a small hole in the top of your tooth through which he will access the inside of your tooth and clean out its center and root canals. He will remove bacteria, as well as any infected pulp. He may also treat the inside of your tooth with an antibacterial solution to further eradicate infection. When your tooth is clean, Dr. Lampert will fill it with a rubbery compound called gutta percha. This material will seal off your tooth and prevent bacteria from returning. Then he will place a temporary filling. Due to strong local anesthetic, you should feel very little during your root canal – typically no more than a slight pressure. After endodontic treatment, most patients compare the experience to the process of receiving a dental filling.

At a second appointment, Dr. Lampert will prep the tooth for a dental crown, make an impression, and provide you with a temporary crown made of acrylic. Your custom crown made of porcelain, porcelain-fused-to-metal, or gold will be placed over the root-canal-treated tooth at a third appointment.

Root canal therapy can save your tooth and end your toothache.

If you are experiencing symptoms of tooth infection or have an injured tooth that concerns you, contact us today! We will schedule you with urgency.