Bone Grafting and Socket Preservation to Restore Jaw Health

Tooth loss can have dramatic consequences for your smile and overall oral health. Although the gaps in your smile may be the most noticeable result, you will also suffer jawbone recession. Fortunately, Jacksonville Dentist, Dr. Lysandro Tapnio can reverse this process through bone grafting and socket preservation. During these related procedures, he will restore lost bone using your own tissue or an alternate biocompatible material. After your bone integrates with this new tissue, you will enjoy a stronger jaw, improved facial contours, and a reduced risk for additional tooth loss. As a highly experienced oral surgeon, Dr. Tapnio is an excellent choice for your bone grafting surgery. He can also perform additional restorative treatments, such as implant placement, following your bone graft. Contact our office to learn more about this procedure and to find out if it is right for you.

Understanding Bone Loss

Your dental roots do more than hold your teeth in place. They also protect your jawbone health by giving regenerative signals to nearby bone tissue. Therefore, when you are missing one or more teeth, your bone will start to shrink. As this occurs, your bone can recede away from your tooth roots, increasing your risk for additional tooth loss. This process occurs rapidly after tooth loss, so it is important to seek treatment as soon as possible.

Is Bone Grafting or Socket Preservation Right for You?

If you have lost teeth or if you are getting ready for tooth extraction, you may benefit from bone grafting. The procedure can be especially beneficial if you are interested in dental implants. With a bone graft, Dr. Tapnio can create a strong foundation for the implant posts. You might also consider bone grafting if you wear removable dentures. Bone recession can make your restoration loose or uncomfortable. It can also give your face a shrunken, older look. After bone grafting, however, you could enjoy a rejuvenated appearance and more complete dental function.

Why Choose Dr. Tapnio for Bone Grafting?

Bone grafting requires great precision and attention to detail. Dr. Tapnio has extensive training and experience in oral surgery. He has a comprehensive understanding of jawbone health, and he can provide complete restorative services in his own office.

What to Expect during a Bone Graft

A bone graft can restore lost bone volume and, in many cases, prevent additional bone recession. Dr. Tapnio will first create a detailed treatment plan in keeping with your particular needs. He will take x-rays to examine the overall structure of your jaw and find the areas that have started to recede. If you are preparing for both extraction and socket preservation, these images can help him plan out both procedures.

In addition to finding the areas that require enhancement, Dr. Tapnio will determine the right type of bone graft for your needs. He uses donor bone or a synthetic material. To add in wound healing and bone generation, he may recommend the addition of Plasma Rich Platelets (PRP) with the bone graft. In this case, a sample of your blood is drawn in our office and a centrifuge machine is used to separate your platelets for the procedure.

After creating your treatment plan, Dr. Tapnio will make tiny incisions in your gums, and he will place the new tissues through these incisions. In most cases, if he is performing socket preservation, he will usually place the new bone tissue on the same day as your extraction. Often, he will use small screws to anchor the new tissue block in place. Finally Dr. Tapnio will close your incisions using stitches.

Recovery from Bone Grafting

After your bone graft, you should expect some moderate discomfort. You will need to eat a soft diet for several days, and you may want to sleep with your head elevated. Mild, non-prescription medication can usually control inflammation and irritation. Though your initial recovery will only take a few days, it will be several months before the new bone graft fuses with your jawbone. When the tissue sample has fully integrated with your jaw, Dr. Tapnio can recommend an appropriate dental implant or another type of restoration.

Schedule a Bone Grafting Consultation Today

Find out how bone grafting or socket preservation can improve your jaw health and oral function. Contact our office today to book an appointment with Dr. Tapnio today.

For a textbook definition on bone grafting, read this article.